Latest Past Events

Online ABQ Death Cafe March 26

Join the Albuquerque Death Cafe online! It's an opportunity to talk about what's on your mind about mortality issues. We have people from across the U.S. and around the world joining in the conversation on Zoom. To keep this meeting secure, this meeting link will only be provided to those who RSVP through our Meetup […]

Online ABQ Death Cafe November 27


Join the Albuquerque Death Cafe online! It's an opportunity to talk about what's on your mind about mortality issues. We have people from across the U.S. and around the world joining in the conversation on Zoom. The next session will be held on Sunday, November 27 at 3:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. Prepare to settle […]

ABQ Death Cafe Online

On Sunday, October 16 at 3:00 p.m., the Albuquerque Death Cafe was to take place at Historic Fairview Cemetery, to discuss death among the tombstones. However, the weather forecast is cold and rainy (rare for Albuquerque). We will instead hold it online through Zoom. The objective of the Death Cafe is “to increase awareness of […]