Before I Die AZ brings together more than 20 local and national speakers, plus films, fun events and free prizes to encourage discussion of end-of-life issues. The six-day event takes place October 29 to November 3, 2019.

People tend to avoid talking about death or even preparing for it… whether it’s our own death, our loved ones, or our pets. Everyone needs to be educated about living life, facing death and the emotional journeys in-between. While death may be the ultimate mystery, preparing for it need not be your ultimate fear. Instead, it’s a gift…to yourself and your loved ones. Join us in learning and exploring the many topics of life, death and beyond.

Speakers include Barbara Karnes, RN and hospice advocate, Ken Ross, son of pioneering death educator Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, and Gail Rubin, The Doyenne of Death®, presenting The Newly-Dead Game® and other talks. Watch this video interview with event coordinator Pamela Speck.

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The event offers Accredited Education Classes for Physicians, P.A.s, Nursing, CNAs, Social Workers and Case Managers. Discount codes are offered on two-day and three-day passes.Before I Die AZ promotion

Get tickets at EventBrite. Find out more about all the events and pricing at