Kicking the Bucket List: 100 Downsizing & Organizing Things To Do Before You Die

If you need guidance to downsize and organize, this book is for you. Baby Boomers facing their parents estates and their own downsizing will especially appreciate the information in KICKING THE BUCKET LIST.

The 128-page book, to be available in paperback and eBook formats, is a quick, easy read, with colorful photographs and bonus online information. Each of the 100 Bucket List items include links to helpful internet articles that expand on each point. The book, the eighth title in the Bucket List series, supports the work of the nonprofit National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and the National Hospice Foundation.

Author Gail Rubin, CT, is a Certified Thanatologist (a death educator) who uses humor and funny films to help teach about end-of-life issues. She wrote the award-winning A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don’t Plan to Die and Hail and Farewell: Cremation Ceremonies, Templates and Tips. She also writes The Family Plot Blog at