Wicker Casket in NatureDid you know that Jewish burial is naturally green burial? In this panel discussion, learn:

  • Why both Jewish and Muslim burial traditions are naturally eco-friendly.
  • What your green burial options are in New Mexico.
  • Ways to minimize your carbon footprint with your final disposition choices.
  • And more!

The panelists are:

Donal Key, La Puerta Natural Burial Ground and Natural Burial New Mexico. La Puerta is the only Green Burial Council-certified natural burial ground in New Mexico. www.NaturalBurialNewMexico.com

Kilian Rempen, Passages International, a leading provider of green burial and eco-friendly funeral products, headquartered in Albuquerque, NM. www.PassagesInternational.com

Gail Rubin, CT, a member of the Albuquerque Jewish burial society called the Chevra Kadisha and the cemetery committee for Congregation Albert. She’s also a pioneering death educator and the coordinator of the Before I Die New Mexico Festival. www.AGoodGoodbye.com

Watch the Panel Discussion:

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All wood caskets

Caskets by Fathers Building Futures

This panel discussion took place in Albuquerque on November 10, 2019, at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque. It was one of the last events of the Before I Die New Mexico Festival.

The third annual Before I Die NM Festival was held November 3 to 10, 2019. It offered upbeat activities to think about, talk about and do something about our inevitable mortality.

A record-breaking 1,800 people participated in these events. Funeral homes in Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos and Espanola, New Mexico, hosted most of the events. Activities included Death Café conversations, field trips to cemeteries, funeral homes and crematoria, movies, panel discussions, and a wide range of speakers.

A fourth annual Before I Die New Mexico Festival will be held in October/November of 2020.

Festival Charitable Partner

Part of the proceeds from Before I Die NM are donated to charitable partner Fathers Building Futures. This 501c(3) nonprofit social enterprise empowers formerly incarcerated parents with on-the-job workforce training. The caskets they make are biodegradable and kosher for Jewish burials.

Festival Sponsors

A big thank you to our sponsors who made the 2019 Before I Die New Mexico Festival possible, and most of the events free:

2019 New Mexico Festival Sponsors